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Updated: Oct 26, 2019

By Vernalee

In 2 Chronicles 20:15, we read: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Allow me to share in words what songstress Yolanda Adams harmonically sings in praise to the lyrics of “The Battle Is Not Yours.” “There is no pain Jesus can’t feel No hurt He cannot heal For all things work according to His perfect will No matter what you’re going through Remember God is using You For the battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s.” Indulge me for a moment if you may. I know that there are days that you feel down and out; pains that feel to heavy to bear; moments that crucify your spirits, but let me lift you up today, because we have a deliverer. I heard about him years ago, but I didn’t know his true powers. As I grew in my faith, things changed. My relationship strengthen with the Lord. I felt the power of the Redeemer, the Prince of Peace, the man who was born to the Virgin Mary, who walked the streets of Nazareth and Galilee, who died so that we could have an everlasting life; the man that they called Jesus Christ. Right now, please travel with me this Sunday Morning on an excursion to the banks of Lake Washington in my home town of Glen Allan, Mississippi, a quaint little city where the old folks wanted you to have a better life than them. Walk past the shotgun houses down the gravel paved road with the big ditches on Spencer Street. Sit on the first row in the pews of Strangers Home Missionary Baptist Church. Listen to the raspy voice of my Mother’s pastor sing in his heyday James Cleveland style with the pianist pumping those ebony and ivory keys. Be filled with the spirit; be renewed in your faith; be cognizant of the fact that “can’t nobody do you like Jesus.” It’s prayer time saints whether you live in Cleveland, Columbus, Tucson, Milwaukee, NYC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Tampa; Greenville, Yazoo City, Jackson or Glen Allan, Mississippi …. or wherever you rest your head! It’s time to know in your heart and believe that no weapon formed against you will prosper. It’s time to know that God will place your enemies at your footstool. It’s time to throw your burdens upon the Lord & be obedient to his Word. It’s time to know that God will never leave you or forsake you. It’s time to know in your soul, feel in your flesh as your heart rapidly beats, and know in the inner corner of your mind – that the battle is not yours, it’s the Lord! Know that the tasks ahead of you, no matter how difficult are not as great as the power behind you! Know that God will fight your battles; you just need to sit still. Believe in him; have mountainous faith; let God show you the way. His mighty hands will protect you. Be blessed! Let the church say Amen! Happy Sunday! Photo credit:


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Mother, Granny, Entrepreneur, Author, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger. Ohioan by way of Glen Allan, Mississippi.


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