We all love to be loved! Don‘t we? It’s a warm/lovely feeling and emotion that is comforting, soothing, and gratifying. Never underestimate the power of love. It can make you do and say things that you never imagined. Can I get a witness? Recently, I heard a pastor say that “the riches in life are not found in money or possessions, but in relationships!” Perhaps to those who idolize their bank accounts, real estate holdings, and stocks/bonds, a statement of this magnitude would hit them like a ton of bricks. It is not difficult to place our emphasis in the wrong places. Listen up! Truly, it is our relationship with God foremost and our loved ones that brings us riches! Being there for people in their time of need is one of the greatest and loving gifts that you can give. Don’t ignore them when you can help them. They may not know of your resources, but God does! When you give of your time and resources, you will receive back so much more than you gave. Be blessed in your relationships! Be blessed in your life!
Give and receive love openly and warmly from your heart. You don’t have to wait to show expressions of love. Most definitively, it’s a year around thing! Photo credit: www.patheos.com