By Vernalee
Last Sunday, my Pastor asked the congregation - "What was your favorite Christmas?"
I can remember mine's. It was the year that I got a life size Black baby doll. I was so excited and played with her all day!
I asked my daughter and her favorite Christmas was the year that she received the Susie Scribbler doll. (We went to a zillion stores to locate that doll. It was exhausting, but that's what we do for our kids; right?). Likewise, my son's was when he received his first gaming system - the Genesis.
All of the answers reflected our gifts; the ones that left memories. It's so easy to get side tracked! It can happen to all of us. Our focus was on our gifts, but not on the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ!
Jesus is the reason for the season! It is a fact that we should never forget! It is the reason why we are here! It is the reason that he was born, lived, and died so that we could have everlasting life. What better gift is there than that!