By Vernalee
A Monday morning quarterback is someone who is always criticizing and saying how he would have done something better or differently after the event has passed. Monday morning quarterbacks always provide commentaries the day after the game. They are experts and after the facts critics. These so called quarterbacks also spread their wings by analyzing life situations. They are the first to tell you what you did wrong. I am sure that you know a few!
Hindsight gives us all 20 / 20 vision. Afterwards, all that went wrong and what you would do contrariwise becomes evident when the past is staring you in the face! Analytically, that’s great. However, one should never underestimate the people who are making decisions at the heat of the moment when life's predicaments call for a real time decision at that very second. For them, there are no rewinds; no watching the game’s playbacks; no looking backwards; or no retracing steps. It’s using their best judgment at ”crunch” time so that they can hopefully make the right “call”/decision. Making a decision when you are in the line of fire is vastly different from making a decision after the fact ... when you have had time to assess the situation. Though not a sports analyst, I do however give more credit to the quarterback who actually made a decision; he threw the ball, ran or was sacked! I prefer the people who make the plays as opposed to those who say what they would have done! Action speaks louder than words. “Woulda, shoulda, coulda” folks are talkers not doers. It’s easy to tell people what they should have done. It’s harder sometimes to do what you tell others. Advice comes cheap. Hypocrites circulate randomly in our midst. If you are a fake, lack credibility, and have failed to make quality decisions in your own life when faced with similar situations, how can you fundamentally advise and criticize others? Maybe you should keep your mouth closed! That’s my “call” and it's Monday morning! Photo credit: www.forwhomthecowbelltolls.com