By Vernalee
”Being a mom is often said to be the hardest job in the world — and now 24 more people know that being one may come with paltry “benefits.” A Boston-based ad agency, Mullen, created a campaign for Cardstore.com where 24 people interviewed for what they thought to be a corporate “Director of Operations” position at a company called Rehtom, Inc (can you read backwards?).
The role had seemingly crappy requirements, such as:
Must be able to work 135+ hours a week
Willingness to forgo any breaks
Ph.D. in psychology or real-life equivalent
Crisis management skills a must
Ability to manage a minimum of 10-15 projects at one time
Ability to communicate at all levels (basic to advanced)
Ability to work in a chaotic environment
Excellent interpersonal skills and a collaborative approach
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in negotiating, counseling and culinary arts
Unlimited patience
Understanding of social media, mobile devices and video games, finance and medicine
And although the salary is $0, the job promises “infinite opportunities for personal growth and rewards.”
Does this job description sound accurate to you?”
Ask any Mother, she’ll give you the answer.