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  • Vernalee


By Vernalee

Have you ever had a talk with yourself? I have! It's a conversation of reasoning.

It's my innermost thoughts talking to me about what to say; what actions to take; what to do. Sometimes I'm troubled. Sometimes, my conversations can provide clear directions - other times not. I'm driven to quiet times to figure things out. I'm driven to prayer to talk to God about it. Is this healthy? Is it unavoidable? Usually, its a batttle between the heart and the mind. One is telling you to do one thing, while the heart is directing you in the opposite direction. To which do you listen; to which do you follow? I know not the answer, but I pray that I make the right decision!

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Mother, Granny, Entrepreneur, Author, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger. Ohioan by way of Glen Allan, Mississippi.


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