By Vernalee
Watching someone like a hawk is to watch very carefully, especially because you expect them to do something wrong. Why are some folks so devious and always up to something? Oh my, how do they manage to negatively plot and get away scott free? Or do they? They have adjusted their pupils and are even viewing us out of the corner of their eye! Exerting too much energy toward others may minimize your effectiveness toward maximizing your outcome and potential. While their eyes are on us, whose eyes are on them? I wonder. The surveillance game does not belong to them exclusively. Watch this! Did anyone ever tell them about the eagle. Be careful! The eagle’s speed and wing span is greater. Their keen eyesight is crisp and sharp. They can pick up your recognizance out of a lineup a mile away. Being the eagle may be a better choice if they must! The real question becomes - Is the watch really necessary or a good use of your time? Probably not. Keeping a balanced view and perspective will assist you in not developing an over concentration on others while sidestepping your matters. It is too easy to slip, lose focus and regretfully fall. If you do, you may end up flying in the wrong direction. Take your mind off them. Keep your eyes on the prize – your prize! Then you can fly away with your decorated trophy for a job well done with all eyes on you. Photo credit: forums.daybreakgames.com