Miraculous things have happened, happen, and will continue to happen….when God is in the plan!
To our eyes, it may seem impossible, but all things are possible with God!
For a young shepherd boy named David with only a slingshot and rocks to overthrow a mighty warrior named Goliath who was a mighty giant warrior, God was in the plan!
For Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt by parting the Red Sea, God was in the plan!
For the walls of Jericho to fall at God's command, God was in the plan!
For Balaam's Donkey to speak, God was in the plan!
For Samson to use a jawbone as a weapon and annihilate thousands, God was in the plan!
For Noah to build an ark when it had never rain, God was in the plan!
For Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego to escape the fiery furnace, God was in the plan!
For Jonah to survive three days and safely come out of the belly of a whale, God was in the plan!
For Daniel to be thrown to hungry lions and walk out of the lion's den, God was in the plan!
For Solomon to impart his wisdom by ordering the splitting of a baby to determine the true Mother, God was in the plan!
For the miraculous conception of our Lord and Savior to be born of the virgin Mary, God was in the plan!
To give his only begotten son to save mankind, God was in the plan!
For Jesus healing many... and raising the dead...to Jesus feeding a multitude of over 5,000 people with five loaves of brey.com ad and two fish, God was in the plan!
For Jesus to turn water to wine... and to walk on water, God was in the plan!
For over 126 recorded miracles from the creation to the resurrection and beyond, God was in the plan!
Yes, I am thankful for God to be involved in the intricate details of every aspect of my life; to be in the plan!
For God to wake you and me up this morning and order our steps, we are blessed that God is in the plan!
Happy Sunday! Photo credit: www.fastcompany.com