By Vernalee
I can't believe I fell for it! I have observed this person's actions many times before. Silly me! Why did I not think that the wrath would eventually flow in my direction? I was completely naïve. I certainly knew better. Who would have thought that I fell for the obvious? Has this ever happened to you? This is precisely what happens when we give people too much credit and let our guards down - even if it's just for a hot second. We have to remember that no one is immune or exempted from unfairness even if you know the hand that throws the blow. Alrighty now - Get with the program. Grow up. Smell the coffee. Remember the scriptural counsel that says it all. "Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there." (Ps 146:3) They'll disappoint you every time. Trust only in The Lord.
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