By Vernalee
If procrastination is one of your problems, stop putting off for tomorrow what you can do today! The clock doesn’t stop ticking. Seconds become minutes; minutes become hours; hours, days; days, weeks; weeks, months; months, years; years, decades ….. Before we realize it, so much time has elapsed without us accomplishing what we desired. We are all guilty of putting things off particularly those things that we fear or don’t care to do! I certainly am! It’s an area calling for my direct attention. Unfotinately, we can never recapture time or hold on to it. Eventually, we may wish that we had done something months/years ago, but we always had a legitimate excuse to not move forward. Sounds familiar? Simply stated, “We never had time to do it!“
I know that you have heard that one liner before. Right? We can utilize time wisely or waste it abundantly. Which will it be? The answer rests with us and the decisions that we make regarding Old Father Time! Tick tock! Of course, the best choice is to not waste our energies waiting for the perfect time! The perfect time may never come around. Therefore, we should follow the Indian (Cherokee) proverb: “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today!” Let's enjoy every moment of our life now! Tomorrow is not promised! Live, love, laugh!
I am guilty! 😑