By Vernalee

Nothing beats knowledge!
Stay informed.
For starters, let’s begin with traffic stops.
Many of us have been stopped by police officers while driving our cars. Traffic stops are embarrassing and often times intimidating. It seems like all eyes are on us - as drivers and pedestrians pass by!
We have been taught - Never argue with police officers. After all, they carry guns!
Every week, the news reels are on fire with alleged wrongful shootings and catastrophes.
From the videotaping of Rodney King’s beating by LA policemen on March 3, 1991 to the incidents involving Eric Garner & Michael Brown in 2014, to the questionable death of Sandra Bland on July 13, 2015 (after being stopped by police officers three days prior), alongside several other recent high profiled cases - many of which involved severe beatings, violence, and even fatalities, conduct from police officers has been questioned.
Many times, the issue starts with traffic stops …which have produced considerable debates and controversies.
Hence, “Black Lives Matter” was formed.
Here’s a fact.
Unquestionably and statistically Blacks, particularly Black males are pulled over at alarming rates for traffic stops.
Therefore, it is imperative that we know our rights and what to do.
So if you are stopped by police officers while driving, these steps may be helpful. 1. Pull over as soon as the police car lights come on. 2. Provide your registration, license, and proof of insurance. 3. Keep your hands visible. 4. Exit the car only if asked. 5. Be polite and respectful. 6. Don’t argue with the police officers; argue in court. 7. If you are registered to carry a gun, tell the officer. 8. Your car can be searched for reasonable cause. You do not have to consent. 9. Don’t lie to the police officers. 10. Passengers should remain quiet. 11. Put out cigarettes if smoking. 12. Turn off the radio. Police Officers are guided by codes of conduct.
Police play a vital role in our community and face life or death decisions on a daily basis. Police officers should enforce the law while respecting the constitutional and civil rights of the population.
Their job is to protect the public.
For sure, we need their services.
Officers have a lot of discretion.
They are also bound by the law.
Body cameras and video taping tell the story in a visual manner that are indisputable.
Often times, it may be a thin line, but interpretation of the laws and justice are rights that belong to all of us.
Be informed.
Apply the law, not your emotions.
Knowing your rights is critical.
It may save your life!
If this Information was helpful, honk your horn! Source: www. Photo credit: NBC News
Thanks Verna!